About "KADO"
KADO-Japanese Flower Arrangement(華道部)

皆さんこんにちは!KADO Japanese Flower Arrangement では例年、在校生と留学生が一緒にお花を生けて交流をする活動を行っています。しかし、ここ数年留学生が日本にこれないという状況が続き、対面での活動が不可能となりました。サークルが目的を失い壊滅寸前まで追い込まれましたが、思考を変えて、もっと華道自体の魅力を見つけていこうということで、在校生部員みんなでしっかり華道を嗜む年になりました。
Hello everyone!
We're Japanese Flower Arrangement in KU. As usual, We enjoyed Japanese Flower Arrangement with exchange students every year. In these years, exchange students couldn't come Japan and we couldn't continue our club activity. We were danger in club's dissolution. However, we try to find out appeal points of in Flower Arrangement and challenge more advanced technique with club member.

we'll introduce strong appeal points which we feel our activity last year.

Let's try to feel japanese beauty from old qage by yourself.
At first, please find mistake from here.


One of the student is trying to arranging flowers for the first time. The theme of this arrangement is rosees.


The teacher adjusted the position of flowers.


The differences between these pictures are the angle of the central rose and the position of flowers around the needle point holder. You can enjoy kado easily even if you have less experience. The keys to make your arrangement more sophisticated are here: you should put the central flower vertically, you should chose longer flower for center, you should hide the needle point holder with flowers and leaves.  


Kado is great art but easy to practice. First, you don't have to remember too much things. Second, you can different type of flower in each season. Third, you can use wide variety of vase from gorgeous one to daily used cup. And more, you can do it individually, which is very important to keep distance from others for quarantine, but you also share your experience with others.

KADO-Japanese Flower Arrangement(華道部)

神奈川大学準公認団体 KADO-Japanese Flower Arrangement です! "KADO"は在校生と留学生が共に日本の伝統文化である華道を楽しむ活動を行っています。 初歩の初歩よりお花を学んでいく体験イベントを開催しています。華道を通して日本に来てくれた留学生に日本をもっと好きなって欲しいと共に、在校生と留学生のよき交流の場を目指しています。日本語、英語、中国語、言語の壁は分厚くとも、非日常な文化体験を一緒にしていきましょう! 1年生から4年生まで、みなとみらいキャンパスと横浜キャンパス両方で活動しています。 We practice kado in Minatomirai Campus and Yokohama Campus. We are looking for students from 1st to 4th grade.